trans is a semi-annual journal of the Department
of Architecture, ETH Zürich and has been
managed by an independent student editorial
team since 1997. The magazine addresses current
issues in the realm of architecture from a variety
of perspectives, such as the humanities, politics,
philosophy and the arts. trans thus sees itself
as a platform for interdisciplinary discourse and
non-hierarchical exchange. trans was established
as part of the student association «architektura».
Since 2013, it has been part of the gta Verlag.
The monothematic magazine is call-based —
anyone can contribute, from within or outside
of the Department, encouraging an ongoing
renegotiation of and resituation within the field of
Caspar Bultmann
Lida Freudenreich
Maud Haas
Simon Nougué
Graphic design
Pierre Benoit
Web development
Andreas Fuhrimann Gabrielle Hächler
Boltshauser Architekten
Buchner Bründler Architekten
Büro Krucker
Chair of Architecture Heritage and Sustainability, Mariam Issoufou, ETH Zürich
Conen Sigl
Dällenbach/Ewald Architekten AG
Donet Schäfer Reimer Architekten
Stürm Wolf Architekten
In Collaboration with
gta Verlag
Department Architektur ETHZ
trans Magazin
ETH Zürich
HIL D 32
8093 Zürich
+41 (0) 44 633 27 61